当前收各类业务阶梯价/multi-step quotation of Purchasers
说明:   报价表更新于:
产品 1Y 6M 3M 1M
国内证 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
USD国际证 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
CNY国际证 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
EUR国际证 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
JPY国际证 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
USD代付 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
CNY代付 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
EUR代付 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
JPY代付 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
产品 3Y 2Y 1Y 6M
国内保理 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
USD融资保函 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
CNY付款保函 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
国别风险价格/Country risk premium
国别 阶梯价 更新时间
产品 金额 期限 封顶价 用信行 难点 转手
Selling list
Product Amount Tenor Price cap Issuing Bank SWIFT Risks Hands
各产品价格表/Price of each product 日期/Date:
产品 加权均价 首笔 末笔 最高 最低
Product VWAP First Last Max Min
Mark:VWAP=Volume Weighted Average Price;
D-L/C=Domestic Letter of Credit,
subject to the rules on D-L/C latest version published by PBOC;
L/C=Letter of Credit,subject to UCP latest version;
FI-Payment=Trade loan/Interbank Financing and Payment/Refinancing;
L/G loan=credit facilities secured by Letter of Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit;
D-Factoring=Domestic factoring;(Mainland China Only)
PG=Forfaiting based Payment guarantee(Mainland China Only)
业务需求/business requirement
我要收证 我要收保理 我要收代付 我要出融资性保函 我要买断付款保函
我要出证 我要出保理 我要出代付 我要收融资性保函 我要卖断付款保函
电文半自动生成器/semi-automatic generation tools for SWIFT/HVPS/Block chain messages 出版物/publication 业务文章/articles
金额大写转换/Amount to Words Converter 基础课/basic course 贴现计算器/Discount calculator
the Earth's Terminator inGMT 的晨昏线
通知公告/Notice more..
各产品K线分析       产品: 期限: 币种:

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Universe Trade Finance Information Service Co., Ltd.
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